Monday, March 05, 2007


This has been an interesting week. I've been in transit for much of it, which (of course) makes it more interesting and naturally for me, intensely comtemplative. Driving in a car (or riding) does not necessarily lend itself to clarity...but it does allow for some open spaces of thought. More on that later.

Roadtrip one:

On my second only ever trip to NYC see the Tibet House Benefit at Carnegie Hall..., I realized that I am not afraid of New York. I don't really know why I ever thought that I was, actually. I'm not frightened of London. Or Paris. So why New York? It's just buildings. And people. There are def. not enough trees, however. Except in the Village (I am a faaan of the Village). I also am a fan of walking. And of cupcakes from Magnolia's. And I am most def. a fan of Lou Reed as well.

The acoustics in Cargenie Hall are breath-taking.

So, back to clarity and wide open is a quote that somehow kept finding me in the past few days (really! It crept up in an e-mail, then I found it in a book and even heard it in a sermon!)

"Craving clarity, we attempt to eliminate the risk of trusting God." - Brennan Manning (Ruthless Trust)

Yeah, risk again. But I really LIKE clarity. However, I tend to gather that Brennan knows a lot more than me. I think he's right about this one, and since this quote is stalking me, I should prob. take note.

Roadtrip number two of the week found me having tea and scones by a roaring fire in Indianapolis with one of the wisest women I know. And hanging out with other notable individuals in Bloomington, Indiana (home of the Dali Lama's brother) including a Macedonian cat named Margot. I also was able to indulge in some Tibetan food (is there some sort of theme going on here?). Why the Lord decides to bless me with the people he puts in my life, I honestly have no clue. It is evidence of His enormous love.

On my drive from Indianpolis to Dayton, Ohio (Roadtrip number three) my driving thought-life consisted of these: "Awake is the New Sleep" which is a song by I don't know who, but acually, quite inspiring... as well as a quote from a book that I find really helpful called, The Language of Letting Go By Melody Beatie that kept circling through my mind, "Even the strange, the unplanned, the painful, and those things we call errors can evolve into harmony."

My friend Cassie in Dayton has a baby growing in her. That would be soooo weird. Little sea monkey, floating around in there. Her sea monkey's name is Jackson. (a good, strong name)

I think I'd like to end this random road trip post with quote from dear, old Lester Bangs....
"The only true currency in this bankrupt world... is what you share with someone else when you're uncool." Lester Bangs, Almost Famous


Anonymous said...

GLAD I checked your bloggity blog.

Anonymous said...

ahh, another quality post. i very much enjoyed all your random...thoughts. you have masterfully made us feel like we're getting to read a great story and then right when we get to the punchline, you move on to the next item. i can't wait to banter with you like this in person in 2 days!!

Anonymous said...

wheres the pic of bryan's two left hands? i like that we look as though the cupcakes are causing us pain.

Meghan said...

hey girl-
sounds like fun! what are you up to now? i feel like i have finally come to a calm point in transition where i can BE OK with my portion. i am working at a hospital & thinking about becoming an RN & i am still hopelessly hooked on shaffer :) weird, huh? whadda guy, i tell ya, whadda guy.
anyway, catch me up when you get a chance!
love, meg

Laura said...

Dear Eema,

I love seeing pictures of you because you are so beautiful! I think you have better Italian qualities than me. Bummer. But I'm happy for you, anyway. Cannot wait to see you again soon. Love to you!
